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Physical Therapy with TLC

About 11 years ago, our primary care physician (now retired) sent Bob to “back school” at Kate Schwartz Physical Therapy. He was told how to bend, lift, reach --- even how to vacuum. Right on, Kate! As with all physical therapy, he was also given exercises to strengthen muscles and prevent injury. In the intervening years, we both have worked our way through joint replacements, as well as various recurring ailments that required therapy. Not all of the experiences were equal. We are veterans of six or seven physical therapy facilities.

As a patient, you learn that you have to be your own advocate. When the doctor and therapist and patient work in harmony, you can relieve pain and improve your range of motion. After extensive back surgery five years ago, Bob went to the recommended therapist who did an evaluation, prescribed some exercises, and then turned him over to a trainer. For 4 to 6 weeks, the trainer just stood there and watched him exercise; then provided a cold pack. There was no ultrasound; no electrical stimulation; no hands-on therapy. Since we had by that time acquired a wealth of experience, we decided that this approach was not working; sometimes it caused more pain and was harmful. Bob told his surgeon: “I want to go back to Kate Schwartz”. The surgeon agreed with him and he changed therapists. Getting back to more normal and productive life is their aim, and the therapists at Kate’s are never too busy to listen --- or to suggest an easier approach. They are all hands-on in their treatment and innovative in methodology. They consult Kate when necessary and all take real pride in significant progress.

Since then, whether it is a pulled muscle, a chronic problem that flared up, or a new injury --- we automatically ask to go back to Kate’s for pain relief. She supervises a good team of professional therapists. You are assigned to 2 people, so that each is conversant with your problem, and you are not handed over to a stranger when your therapist cannot be there. The people in the office work well together. They are a cheerful, welcoming group. They function much like a family, often helping each other out in the office, as well as in their leisure time. New babies are happily welcomed into the family. Even the graybeard of the group, that sweet, quiet dog, Blackie, gets to visit and have sleepovers with his friends, the therapists. We have come to feel that we have come home, each time that we turn up again for treatment. They have become valued friends that you turn to for help when you have pain that just won’t quit.

Barbara (and Bob) Liotta
Exeter residents

Bob Liotta

Barbara Liotta



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